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1/14/2022 7:19:01 AM
Agree, this decision is perplexing.... I thinks it is a good thing to be able to produce orbs with exotics that have no catalyst. But with this "solution" even fewer weapons will have that ability, so it just makes the issue worse. I was so disappointed to hear this, that I am rethinking wether to get the new expansion or not.... The only way I could live with this is if they: 1. Make it work for all weapons of all damage types with 1 mod 2. Have it fill the first slot, so it doesn't take away the Ammo Finder slot The thing that really makes this bad, is that I heard that our supers will no longer tick up. They will require kills, so that sounds like orbs will be more important than ever. I don't understand how people who can obviously make a great game can come up with such a bad idea The ability to change element on armor though is great



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  • Y not just make is so every exotic makes an orb on multi kill. Doesn't have to a double kill it could be like for primaries a double, for specials 4 and for heavies 5. They don't know what they are doing. We all know they want to nerf orb generation and that why they are doing it. They don't give a crap about the player or the materials. They think we are to strong right now so they are nerfing us. But the stronger we are the more fun the game is.



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  • This more problematic than you realise. Every weapon with a matching element will work with the mod, however, that means all your weapons need to have match that element. This will be extremely problematic when match game is on



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  • 由ZeroEmerald編輯: 1/14/2022 12:18:12 PM
    "Ah, we can't take take out that void wizard major because our void guy is down and his ghost in a dangerous spot, so we can't rez him. I guess we plink away at the wizard with my solar guns and the third guys arc guns for 5 minutes until the shield is broken. I hope we don't also die before then!"



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