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1/14/2022 11:11:54 PM
The whole purpose for nerfing everything is to make end game content more and more difficult and require more and more of your time invested. They do this because new content costs more than anything in the game to produce. They are looking more at the financial side of the game and not creative quality and quantity. Players have gotten so good at the game and always finding the most efficient way to complete content and bowing through it too fast. I think we can all agree that we would be willing to pay for more new content and still allow us to have some sort of power fantasy. They are struggling to balance the amount of new content and difficulty of that content to maintain a player base and completion percentage.



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  • They have been “struggling “ since day 1 of D1 but at least that had repayable content. D2 has been a hot mess since it dropped with ego driven game direction, go slow mishmash, content recycling and sunsetting debacles. They knew their player base was voracious when it can to content since 2014. Since they don’t have the luxury of extra help from Activision this time, all we have seen from Bungie have been constant nerfs, endless bugs, champion overkill, recycled horde modes and excuses. I am tired of trying to find excuses for their lack of interest, oblivious lack of play testing and complete disregard for their communities feedback. Destiny is just a cash cow and the milk is all dried up.



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