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1/13/2022 6:13:07 PM

Orb mods are highly unnecessary and will hurt the game more than help it.

These mods only further amplify an issue introduced with holders tbh. Nobody uses them because there is no room on armor to support the sheer energy cost and their inferiority over scav mods. It’s going to be the same here, nobody wants to remove finders since they are just too superior. If the mod worked for all guns then maybe but they will only work for specific elements which is even worse since MAX 2 guns will make orbs. Although the artefact change is good, it’s another 1 step forward and 2 steps back with the orb nerf…



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  • So, they say they're adding more helmet mods that will really screw up that system and don't say anything about moving mods around to spread out the impact? Meaning they have no intention of moving those mods already on the helmet to somewhere else. Meaning they don't care about the terrible impact it's going to have to clutter one armor's options. Just another reason I'm so glad I'll be putting this game behind me by Witch Queen. It's such a damn mess.



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