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由Jok3rs-P8編輯: 1/20/2022 7:08:44 PM

Ascendant Champion Triumph Completion

Hello Architects, I am trying to complete the Ascendant Champion Triumph, which requires me to run through all six Ascendant Challenges. As of today I have run through all six: Keep, Abyss, Ruins, Garrison, Shrine and Borea. Yet, the triumph is saying I have only completed 5 of 6. I did some digging on 3rd party tracker sites, as well as the triumph page on your site and i have found mixed results. Your site tracks the triumph as completed, yet and Destiny Item Ma-blam!- disagree and say that it is incomplete. I am at my wits end on what to do to complete the triumph, although i did run into a possiblity for why it isnt. Over the past five weeks I have been replaying all the Challenges to see if I have missed anything. Although it did not complete the triumph, on this most recent challenge, Shattered Ruins, the chest did not spawn after the boss was killed and the bounty from Petra did not complete. I switched to my warlock and got the chest fine. There is only one more challenge to go, Keep, until the cycle resets. Please help. May the Light guide you, - [i][/i]A Prospective Cursebreaker [i][/i]



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