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1/20/2022 5:38:53 AM

Cursebreaker seal bug

I have been close to getting cursebreaker for over a year (almost 2 years) now. My issue? The secret victories bug where it doesn't count the 6th ascendant challenge for me. Even if I've completed the time trial, the same one doesn't get counted. With this being sunset in a few weeks, it is frustrating that this wasn't ever fixed. I've tried several times in 2021 to get the emblem to progress so I can finally get cursebreaker. But it is still glitched for myself. I've tried it using all the tips possible over the past two years of waiting on a fix. Nothing has given myself progress. I've had my friends watch me do the challenges all of which have the emblem and they see the bug is real and confirmed I did them correctly. bungie can we please get the emblem? I've done all the challenges and have EVERYTHING else for the seal. It is insane that I won't get the seal which I've earned due to this bug which has been around since 2020. (PRE beyond light I might add).



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