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由Grenada220編輯: 1/21/2022 10:04:53 AM

Sturm needs a buff

I feel like Sturm needs a buff. I understand that you're supposed to use Drang, but if for ANY reason you don't/can't use Drang, Sturm feels almost completely useless. Without Drang, all you have is a hand cannon that reloads your stowed energy weapon. I understand that it could be useful when paired with a really slow reloading weapon, but there's mods for that. Make no mistake, Sturm has great stats, especially with the catalyst, but there's other hand cannons that can still out perform it. I don't think Sturm needs to be anything super special, but as an exotic it just feels useless overall unless paired with Drang. Even if it's as simple as a Champion Mod, maybe Unstoppable to match with it's ability to hit like a train? That feels like it would be enough, just having [b][i]something[/i][/b] extra on it.
#destiny2 #Sturm



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