I got nothing but respect for those of you who are good at sniping, because trying to learn how to snipe has been a…humbling experience to say the least.
I used to love sniping back in D1. I’d basically never use any other special weapon, especially after I got Stillpiercer.
However ever since D2 launched I could never seem to snipe all that well. I wasn’t that good in D1 either, but right now I’m so bad you’d think I never held a controller before. I went from loving sniping to now being frustrated as hell anytime I try.
I have pretty good rolls for snipers that people tell me are meta, and I put on the right mods. I even tried lowering my sensitivity down from 12 to 8, and lowered my ADS sensitivity, but nothing seems to be improving. Most of the time I’m just tempted to go back to using a slug shotgun which has been my go to for most of D2.
How do you sniper player do so well with them? Any idea for how I can improve with them?
In my opinion, sniping is more about timing and placement in this sandbox. D1 was more forgiving. Snipers were way easier to use, and there were more Big Team Battle style maps. Now they're smaller arena maps, and Bungie made sure snipers would never be slug shotguns ever again.
Nowadays, I really don't use the sniper much. I would say, when I do go back, my best sniping comes from patience, knowledge of the map and from situational awareness. Biggest one is going to be patience. Most of the quick shot snipers are either on M&K or don't play anything else. On controller, sniper is more quality vs quantity. If youre running designated marksman, don't expect high kill counts. You have to wait for them to come to you. Know your map, know the lanes, and be able to watch where opponents are coming from. Honestly, I would designate sniper as more of a trials weapon. In 3v3 you'll have a better time knowing that you have less enemies and 2 people that should be at least helping. On that note, watch your team. If you see them getting into fights, lane up, find a spot for overwatch, and keep an eye on any Lanes they could use to watch you. Try not to hard scope. You lose your tracker when ads, and you lose your situational awareness.
Otherwise, in terms of equipment, Its going to depend. A headshot is a headshot on non super guardians. If you land the headshot, you're good. If you don't though, you have a choice to make. You can either try to line up another shot, and risk incoming fire, or you can break off and hope your team can finish. If you want to try to go for the finish, then I would use rapid fire frame. They typically have more stability and less recoil. The trade off is they do less damage. High resistance guardians in a super could take a few shots to down if you aren't confident in your headshots. On the other end, you can run aggressive frame. These are more damage, but higher recoil. If you have a team you trust, you can move away if you miss and have them clean up. This will also give more damage on a super guardian, making the clean up quicker. As far as stats, stability, and range aren't really going to matter in PVP. I would aim for aim assist and handling. The snappier the headshot the better, and the quicker you can get down sights the better. Again, the goal is a quick and clean headshot. The sniper that comes from crucible this year isnt bad, but has a lot of rolls to pick from. It will also be replaced by a new loot pool next season.
I would also pair it with an SMG, side arm or an auto. Something you can pull quick and mow down a shotgun ape. Odds are the ape will win most cases when up close with a sniper user, but it'll give you better chances.
I'm sure others will have better advice, bit from my experience, this is the best way to go on controller.