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3/12/2022 5:44:48 PM

The Sparty Army™ is recuiting (XBL/PC/PSN)

RECRUITING NOW UK XBOX, PC, OR PSN PLAYERS! We are a UK-based Xbox Clan! But also have allies from around the globe with us too! PLEASE FOLLOW THIS LINK AND REQUEST TO JOIN! Sick and tired of logging into Destiny and seeing no one in the clan roster? Want to have somewhere where you can talk Destiny, also other games and memes? We are a mature, social Clan that is always looking for new members to help and join in with us, play PvP or PvE? Raid, Nightfall, Strikes all end game stuff and every start over? YES, we do EVERYTHING! With Cross save coming, we are pushing for all platforms to unite here. Come to hang out, join us and have fun with a friendly clan that likes to make progress with us all involved. If you want to play Destiny with other players that love doing all the different activities there are on offer, you can be sure there is someone here to play with. We use the Bungo clan chat for some things and for the most part we use our Discord. Info Contact; Admins; Lee3po, Maxidid, FallenSaint, CritixIncrease, iHussh, SA Master, and MrsSparty Founder; Sparty



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