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3/14/2022 8:29:35 AM

Destiny mobile app

The companion app needs a multi-select feature that engages when you press and hold an item after a short period of time. After the allotted time has passed, you should be able to unlock multiple items or gear only in each category selected and transfer the items as well. It would save so much time and hassle and make the mobile app a little more convenient to have or even necessary and would attract more players to install the app and play the game. Maybe even boost revenue as well and gain some publicity for the game as a whole for listening to its community. There's more improvements I can list off but this is the biggest one so far. I talk about and play this game alot and practically advertise the destiny games to friends and random people everyday with no sponsorship and they buy, download and play the game and even love it. Please read my feedback and try to implement the change if possible, I think it would help immensely. P.s. if you like the feedback and it helps then that's awesome, I would love to have a way to earn silver in the season pass eventually also become a thing added to the game. Make it to where you can earn 950 silver from the battle pass after you buy the premium for the first time and then people will be short for the next battle pass and have to buy more. Side note most people will just spend their silver in the store and have poor money management so either way they will eventually see something they like and buy more silver later for the next season pass and dlc. Huge way to start making a profit, it works if you ask me. If you like the feedback and are too busy to acknowledge it then I would greatly appreciate just 2000 silver to buy some of the cool items in the destiny 2 store that I would love to have. Thank the whole team and everyone working on the game for me as part of the community please, you guys are amazing and please keep up the amazing work. You guys rock!!!



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