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3/19/2022 6:49:03 PM

Who wants to be apart of the PePe Boyz?

Looking for active guardians who are lost without people to play with. Preferably players on Playstation but we do have guardians on multiple systems. We have people from all around the world majority in the US. We play all major aspects of Destiny from PVE to PVP. Seriously who likes Gambit? And we love endgame content. Most of raid or do gms together and we have the select who love trials. But FASHION is key. If you don't look amazing while taking down Atheon then what's the point. Our group is like a family that rags on each other but looks out for one another. Dark humor is our specialty so if that's something you don't enjoy please don't inquire. Activity is a major role player. We don't care if you play once a week to everyday or minute just want someone to be there when the time arrives to take down a new dungeon, raid, or fellow guardians in trials or iron banana. We do have a discord. But only for purposes of the merger of Playstation and discord situation. So joining isn't a must but would be appreciated. So if you are interested in joining please reach out to an admin in the clan or myself and we'll get together and talk and play the game some. Message me here on the app bungie name is: Underpants_Gnome Or on psn it's: Gizmo_the_Walrus



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