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3/27/2022 2:24:47 AM

Seasonal artifact power

I find it insane that in order to get adept weapons from master and gm activities you have to sell your soul to this game to just get enough power level to do this activities. Not everyone can play 24/7 like some do to get to the highest power level possible. Y’all need to fix this leveling system. Make the hard cap the actual hard cap. Lower the required xp for the power bonus, idk. Give a bigger xp bonus from the seasonal artifact, think of something. It’s discouraging that you can’t get there by just playing your favorite activities, you gotta grind HARD on bounties just to get near the recommended power level. Y’all don’t understand that not everyone is willing to carry someone who’s 15+ levels under on a raid or nightfall. Y’all do some great things in the game but the end game activities that some wanna do to get the best loot seems almost like a dream to get to. This shouldn’t feel like a job that we must do to be able to do those activities. It’s very discouraging and stressful. I don’t mind the hardness of this activities, HOWEVER the level requirement for these activities are totally out of perspective and Inconsiderate to those that can’t play everyday for hours at a time. Think about solo players. On top of the fact that we gotta do this every single season reset.



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