Destiny 2 will absolutely never ever have a competitive scene solely based on the reliance of aim assistance and the amount of builds you can make around it.
The aim assist stat is a hidden stat to increase target acquisition and essentially give you the right moment to fire and all weapons have this stat and it is only visible in certain apps and websites (Ishtar commander? And Destiny item manager?) Only certain perks can increase this stat like elemental capacitor, moving target and hidden hand. Pair this with the one shot headshot weapons like snipers and linear fusions and you get a busted meta that promotes a restriction of play inundated with eye of sol, adored, lorentz etc.
Let me also bring to the table; bullet magnetism. Bullet magnetism isn't a stat per say but a fundamental mechanic to help ensure your bullets hit your target by essentially making sure the bullet somehow increasing its own hitbox. This applies to every weapon but some more than others. Linear fusions have among the highest bullet magnetism (Queenbreaker, LMFAOOOO and Reed's Regret)
The combination of these two aspects of gunplay making destiny feel super good but also hurts the PvP aspect because the most deadly weapons feel the easiest to use. As you can see in the clip I put, I had an astronomically small window to pull the trigger and I hit confirmed in the head but there's one thing you should know: That was my absolute first shot ever with that particular weapon and I have only picked up a sniper in PvP in two occasions before this in the 5 years I've been playing Destiny 2. So the next time you get killed or bagged by something like this, remember that PvP can be a very bad joke.
由THE GRIND IS REAL編輯: 5/14/2022 7:17:34 PMPvp died in 2020 if this game ever became competitive it would need a hell of alot of changes makeing
由SirHeadPoppington編輯: 5/15/2022 8:13:31 AMThat was pretty cool, if anything I'd say that clip was a reason FOR a competitive scene. All FPS games have aim assist and bullet magnetism. Halo had very high AA like destiny and had a massive competitive scene. Now different guns having different AA values and being able to change it is a reason why it couldn't. I don't think anyone is trying to push this anyway.
Swat The Bot
Over $777 donated to Bungie Foundation - 舊
[quote]Why Destiny 2 will never have a competitive scene[/quote] I don't recall anyone, not even Bungie, calling the Destiny franchise competitive. It's always been a laid back causal game and that's just fine. Plenty of other games out there to be competitive in. -
The aim assist can be too high on some weapons but its not the main reason Destiny has no competitive scene. That probably has more to do with a combination of the fact that a lot of people don't want to see that happen and there's a top tier in this game that's very comfortable with their position relative to everyone else. The way all the gameplay related stuff usually works is to end up giving the vast majority of people basically the same experience. Aim assist in this game could be more consistent and actually work in a very competitive way if that's what people really wanted.