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由UnbrokenLiight編輯: 1/29/2021 10:39:23 AM

Mouse and Keyboard Support on Consoles (and auto opts in to crossplay if implemented)

I think if we can have crossplay we should be able to play with mouse and keyboard on consoles, I feel like the way that Warzone for implemented it is the best way to do it: Crossplay would be optional in PVP (on / off toggle) but if you decide to use a Mouse and Keyboard input, it automaticly put you in the crossplay playlist and you wouldn't be able to change it during a match. Personally I would love this since, I have always played on PC for all my childhood / teenage years, but ever since living with my fiancé, having two gaming PC was an issue so we went the route of getting 2 xbox instead. So while I am still good with a controller I am still much better and ENJOY more using a mouse and keyboard, and I feel it would suck to have to buy a brand new gaming PC JUST to get to enjoy my input of choice, if the game is already going to allow a PC player using MnK playing with a console player, it would be stupid to stop the console player to use the same input. (Apex and Halo MCC are example of game which implemented crossplay without MnK support on console and it is a let down). Edit: I do play crucible (to get the seals) but other than that I mostly play PVE and this is were I would enjoy Mnk the most and where it would have 0 negative effects to other players.



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  • 由One Melee編輯: 5/27/2022 5:06:15 AM
    Such an underrated post, honestly, I've always played COD, GTA, Minecraft on PC, and now that I started to play more on console, I recently started playing COD Zombies with M&K, and have been having a blast, especially considering how well supported it is, I would love for there to be M&K support on console.



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