Dude I spent an entire week. Ran the entire available haunted story on all 3 characters. Grinding my guts out for chests and that energy you need to focus at the skull. Look at my play history I have no lifed this game and just today cashed in all that energy... Other than the ONE guaranteed red frame... nothing. Not one single red frame dropped after hours upon hours of stock piling that energy. I did get a red framed beloved to drop in the opulent chest farming.... A weapon I already had 5 red frames for of course. And even then I had to buy most of those as the garneted weekly drop. So today I said eff it. I will do the story beats maybe work on some odds and ends that interest me but I'm done chasing the red frames. I am going to play something that respects my time. I will buy them week by week and just leave the game be. This system actually encourages people not to play and wait the weekly guaranteed drop. I can only imagine people with limited play time feel. This system BLOWS. No I don't want things handed to me as the Bungo blowers would cry out. I want my time respected.