I would use an exotic armor piece that would actually help me out a bit, but I don't want to break my armor's aesthetic. If I could use a legendary ornament I'd be very content.
EDIT for all that don't know what grass is: Even if it means giving a PVE ornament slot and a PvP ornament slot (only ornaments for the armor piece) that would work. I just want to use an exotic without ruining my look.
I’ve been saying this for awhile now! As a titan main all of our exotics are so loud and take over your fashion entirely, I run without an exotic for low tier content just because I hate how it looks. Being able to make Lorely look like Atavistic Idol Helm would be a very nice for fashion, the true endgame.
Nothing worse than having a nice glowing armour kit ruined by a dog -blam!- looking exotic
I'm totally ok with it as is, or done that way as well. Plenty of games like this; Diablo for example, allow you to change the look of all armor, legendary/exotic included. We all know the true core of Destiny is looking awesome.
So the original reason for this is because they wanted you to be able to see what the enemy had equipped in order to give you an edge on the enemy and combat their tactics.....The reality is that it doesn't make a difference especially in high tier play because you're going to inspect the enemy players anyway. Sure. Knowing I'm using young ahamkaras spine should if you're wise change your approach but honestly nobody is going to see that I have bones ductaped to my arm in the heat of battle. (having people stop to try and shoot down my trip mine and keep shooting wondering why it's not working has won me battles, stupid though that sounds...
No. Exotic armor breaks the rules of combat in pvp. So being able to quickly identify when someone is wearing it is important to balance. Letting someone hide what they are actually using gives them an unfair advantage.
The devs specifically said that they will not do this because it would be easy to hide what exotic you were using in PvP
由Xero編輯: 8/22/2022 9:38:18 PMThis is going to be a hard pass, whether you like the result or not lol. [b]Reasons:[/b] [b]1) For PvE: Eververse Store Ornaments[/b] - It's basically extra income potential. That isn't going to be removed. Lol [b]2) PVP[/b] - Quick glance at a player will visually tell someone what they use without the need to inspect in detail (no one, realistically, wants to do this every time, if an ornament hides it.) Let's be real. How do we determine what is being used on another player most times? [b]Answer:[/b] Through [i]visually seeing and looking directly[/i] at the armor on the player. That armor stands out [u]because[/u] it is Exotic and has their own unique ornament. That's by design, regardless if you agree with the nature of said design or not. Hiding this with a Legendary ornament will cause advantage/disadvantage to various players. Legendary/Rare armor ornaments should not, and rightfully so, [i]will not[/i] be applied to Exotics. Wear the Exotic or wear the Legendary. The trade off is power over appearance. Use a shader to blend it in. Can't have both. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m not in favour of this. I think exotics should stand out,‘it’s kind of the point. I also like making fashion based on the exotic you’re using. Otherwise you’d likely just wear the same outfit for everything.
NO! Exotics should be 100% distinctive from legendary armor. That's the whole point of exotics looking like exotics do. To be distinctive on first glance.
It won't happen for pvp reasons unfortunately. Even at high end pvp, simply swapping your armor the moment the introduction is over immediately removes the advantage of knowing the enemy's armor if the exotic armor is sharing a legendary ornament with one of their other pieces.
Some exotics look cool, and I don't mind building a look around them. But I was going for a Taken look recently on my Hunter, and Raiden Flux is gonna mess that up quite a bit. Guess I could go with a SIVA look instead...
Yes and No... If it was a solely PvE cosmetic change, sure. But it is important to know what exotic people are using in PvP. Not knowing if someone is running Loreli vs any ol helmet is a massive disadvantage. It's not so bad for most exotic, but for some, you have to change your playstyle to counter them.
I don't think I'd want to make exotics look like just anything. They're so integral to the build you're going for, that it makes sense to build your look around them. A lot of people hate how Dawn Chorus looks, but after some fiddling around, I built a great look around that piece.
So many exotics would look good together, but.. apparently sweats being able to identify exotic armor in pvp takes priority over things people would actually enjoy.
Legit, I often forgo using exotics that would improve my build, just because they are ugly af