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由DayneTreader編輯: 8/22/2022 2:58:30 PM

Give Exotic Armor access to Legendary Ornaments

I would use an exotic armor piece that would actually help me out a bit, but I don't want to break my armor's aesthetic. If I could use a legendary ornament I'd be very content. EDIT for all that don't know what grass is: Even if it means giving a PVE ornament slot and a PvP ornament slot (only ornaments for the armor piece) that would work. I just want to use an exotic without ruining my look.



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  • I don't think I'd want to make exotics look like just anything. They're so integral to the build you're going for, that it makes sense to build your look around them. A lot of people hate how Dawn Chorus looks, but after some fiddling around, I built a great look around that piece.



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