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由DayneTreader編輯: 8/22/2022 2:58:30 PM

Give Exotic Armor access to Legendary Ornaments

I would use an exotic armor piece that would actually help me out a bit, but I don't want to break my armor's aesthetic. If I could use a legendary ornament I'd be very content. EDIT for all that don't know what grass is: Even if it means giving a PVE ornament slot and a PvP ornament slot (only ornaments for the armor piece) that would work. I just want to use an exotic without ruining my look.



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  • So the original reason for this is because they wanted you to be able to see what the enemy had equipped in order to give you an edge on the enemy and combat their tactics.....The reality is that it doesn't make a difference especially in high tier play because you're going to inspect the enemy players anyway. Sure. Knowing I'm using young ahamkaras spine should if you're wise change your approach but honestly nobody is going to see that I have bones ductaped to my arm in the heat of battle. (having people stop to try and shoot down my trip mine and keep shooting wondering why it's not working has won me battles, stupid though that sounds...



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