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8/28/2022 5:29:17 PM

Gear Score Bug Softlock - Unable to do Any Activities

Today I logged in to play after a busy few days at work, having last played on wednesday. To my surprise, every single enemy shows up as red with ?? as its level, indicating that I'm underleveled. This confused me as I was on Europa, an area which on Wednesday I was easily cruising through with my light around 1500. I checked my inventory and shockingly, despite all my items having a gear score of 1540, my light is at [b]1347[/b]. This puts me just below the 1350 threshold, making all enemies in the game immune to any damage I deal and killing me in one hit. I checked character select and my other characters, who I have not engaged in the new season's content with yet, are light [b]1223[/b] and [b]1181[/b] respectively. [b]I've effectively been bricked out of the game.[/b] My light score is too low to engage in any content in Destiny 2 as of today, despite having not had any changes to my gear since Wednesday. I've tried equipping other gear that I own but this just lowers my light score further - when troubleshooting, I got Chiron's Cure from collections and its score of 1350 lowered my total score down to [b]1228[/b]. I can't get new gear since I can't defeat a single enemy, with even dregs killing me in a single shot and being immune to my weapons and abilities. I haven't been able to find incidents of this issue anywhere else, nor in this season's known issues.



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