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9/1/2022 4:55:02 AM

Recovering Guardian looking for a clan of accountability!

Hello everyone! My name is Ace, and I have just returned home after a 40-day program in rehab for alcohol abuse. I have played Destiny since the beta all the way back in 2014! Since then, I have fallen in love with this community, and have been a part of it all. From defeating the black heart, all the way to now plundering the skies with Missraaks! But, my addiction had gotten ahold of me some years back. I started to lose friends left and right. Fireteams, raid groups, nightfall runs, people that had been through hell or high water with me down this crazy journey to find my, "Destiny". This game and community are a large part of who I am, so I am going to try to create a supportive group of Guardians who can be down for anything. Build a brotherhood from not only just the game, but sharing life experiences, and always being there for one another. This is going to help keep accountability not only for myself but maybe even you. Get your mind off the stress of your current life. To help put down that toxicity, and form a new bond with people who can relate. If you are interested in helping me form this group, reach out! All players are welcome! See you star side. Per Audacia Ad Astra - Ace Player ID- Acegunner#4377 Personal Discord- Acegunner49#5939



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  • [b]Grandmasters, Day-1 Raids, Trials Osiris, Triumphs, Endgame, Playlist Activities, Raid Sherpas. [/b] ***Discord membership and activity are required for clan membership.*** [quote]Tired of waiting in orbit looking for an LFG? Tired of spending hours trying to knock Rhulk’s long daddy legs into oblivion? We got you. [/quote] TSTL is an Endgame clan structured for both the PVE & PVP aspects of the game. We aim for unity, communication, completionism and helping. Our clan’s goal is maintaining a functional, mature and fun environment/experience for all our members. [u]Benefits are as follows:[/u] 🔸Raid Sherpas 🔸Pinnacle Runs 🔸 Dungeons & Grandmasters 🔸Triumphs & Seal Tittles 🔸Crucible (Trials of Osiris, Competitive) 🔸Exotic & Godrolls Farming 🔸LFG’s within discord [u]‼️Requirements:‼️[/u] 1. All players MUST join our Discord server. The key to maintaining an active clan is to stay within communication and being interactive. Our social interactions is all for the benefits of everyone. 2. Being Active is key! Part of our clan success revolves around being active. It enables us to maintain a healthy system in order to all of this work. Of course, real life situations and responsibilities are always out of our hands when it comes to being available. 3. Be chill, be nice. We thrive for keeping our community as healthy and together as possible. Nobody should have to tolerate rage quitting or any type of toxicity, insults, belittling, racism, ect.. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR AND OFFENDERS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. *ALL CLAN APPLICATIONS WILL BE APPROVED AFTER A 1 ON 1 INTERVIEW BY OUR FOUNDER OR ANY OF OUR ADMINS. * [quote]Further rules and regulations within the Discord server.[/quote]



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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