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9/7/2022 8:59:50 PM

Stasis Alternate Supers

I was wondering if at some point we can have an alternate super for stasis. I like stasis hunter, but i'd rather have the option of switching to a roaming super. The super is good on it's own but it's just more of a fun factor thing.



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  • 由Burma Jones編輯: 9/8/2022 2:42:24 PM
    Hunter super: Per SGTBrownT[quote]Hunter alternate should be like og bladedancer. Dual wield the Kamas, light attack does slash/shatter damage & slows targets in the aoe of shatter, alternate fire sends waves of stasis freezing targets.[/quote] Maybe add mask of bakris style phasing to shift while in super too. Warlock super: On cast, a large aoe is summoned and instantly freezes any target inside. Over the next few seconds, the aoe grows and at the end of the few seconds the entire aoe explodes in massive shatter damage. While it would be the pve/boss damage super choice by design, it could be good for pvp but very risky. Titan super: Buffed up concept of diamond lance. On cast, gain a stasis overshield that deals shatter damage to nearby targets as it is damaged (think of ice crystal armor breaking as it's damaged) and also reflects minor damage to attackers. Left click throws a lance that kills on direct hit, deals heavy damage and heavy slow on indirect (aoe shatter) hit. Smallish aoe, relatively fast projectile. Right click summons a stasis barrier that slows nearby enemies and deals bonus shatter damage if hit by a lance. You get 4 lance charges and 2 barrier charges. Lance charges restore on super kill.



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