Game periodically begins dropping frames, and eventually slowing to a crawl on Stadia, server-side problem
Hey guys, hoping to maybe find some insight for an issue that's been plaguing me for at least a year now. After a few hours of playing the game on Stadia, and bouncing around between activities, I've noticed that eventually the game will start to stutter a bit, and then completely melt down once a load zone or other event is triggered in the game. This issue is something that is occurring on Stadia's hardware, and is not related to my local streaming device, controller, or network. I managed to catch it happening while streaming the game directly from YouTube (so this is the raw video footage from Google's hardware):
I managed to catch a video of this happening as I began to see the game start to stutter and drop frames every 5-ish seconds. As you can see here, after triggering the load zone, the game starts to bug out and stutter, so badly that I can hardly steer my Sparrow correctly. Eventually, once the adds start to spawn in, the game begins to run at ~2 FPS. Once this happens, the only solution I have is to relaunch the game entirely, because it does not recover from this.
On a few occasions, I've let the game continue running in this state, and I can sometimes see that Bungie will error-code me (likely due to thinking there's some network manipulation happening, due to the lowered framerate).
I've not been able to figure out any pattern that causes this to happen, other than repeatedly triggering load zones, as a natural result of playing the game. Sometimes it'll happen after 20 minutes of running Strikes, and sometimes it won't happen until I'm several hours deep into a session. But whenever it does happen, I know that I'm not going to get to finish whatever activity I'm in the middle of.
To preempt some of the advice:
-This issue is occurring on Stadia's hardware, irrespective of my own connection
-This happens regardless of what device I'm playing from, whether it's my TV, a laptop, or from my phone
-I have no ability to reinstall the game, validate game files, or change any other settings on the hardware the game is running from
-There is literally nothing that can be done from the user's side
I know that I may just be kinda shouting into the void, but I'd really appreciate it if there was a way for Bungie to be made aware of this issue somehow. I had hoped that maybe the Witch Queen launch may have fixed it, but that has not happened. Over time, it seems to getting slightly more and more frequent, and is having an impact on my ability to have fun with the game.
Also, posting this in the Console Support section, as I believe Bungie treats the Stadia port as a console, instead of a PC port.
I can confirm that I have the same very same issues when playing Destiny 2 on Stadia.
It's as if you play for some period of time the game reaches some resource limit (memory, gpu or whatever) and just craps out. Some kind of memory leak perhaps?
I wish there was a way to report this bug directly to Bungie instead of via some forum.