I was a pretty regular player when D2 launched and have been playing all the way back since D1 launch. I unfortunately fell out of love when Curse of Osiris began and stopped playing. However, no other game has really filled the void that Destiny left lol. So I'm looking to get back into a clan and work with others on raids, comp, and other current seasonal activities. I've been going strong since the end of the last season and the start of the current season, so I'm an active player at the moment! I'm also looking forward to Lightfall! Means I'll be active for a long time coming.
I've completed Last Wish and SOTP when I was with clans in the past, but have since left them due to inactivity from other members. I'm looking for a clan of active, friendly players who are willing to help me really get back into the swing of things. Thanks all!
-OCE- Hunt The Darkness is recruiting for all Activities -PC, PSN, Xbox- https://discord.gg/Pmh5xbHMtv About us: We are looking for amazing people to help create a fun and supportive clan while playing Destiny 2. 1.We run weekly raids and have sherpas to help you with any raids you haven't completed yet. (We also try to do Day 1 raids.) 2.We run and teach endgame content such as GM's, dungeons, etc. 3.We help with completing Seals/Triumphs/etc. 4.We do some PvP and Gambit. 5.There is a dedicated builds channel, where you can get advice and show off your builds. 6.We're a welcoming and friendly bunch! We like to have fun while keeping things civil. 7.We try to provide a safe community where people of all backgrounds can come together and enjoy the game. (We are mainly a OCE Clan, but we welcome players from all over the world who might have different play times due to Work, School, or just Life in general. PC, PSN, Xbox. English Only) Links: HTD Discord: https://discord.gg/hunt-the-darkness Leader's Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198356101745
Clan Brojo’s Yo Jo! ಠ‿↼ Clan Brojo’s recruiting!! We’re a group of console and PC friends who all share a passion for that sweet, sweet, end game grind. PVE/PVP. It slices, it dices. We do it all. We love raiding and are more than willing to teach. All the admins have hundreds of full raid clears a piece. Day ones, flawless, low mans, etc.. Need that div run? So desperate for that raid seal you can taste it? Don’t worry bruh, we gotchu! We also farm GM’s every season. Shards for daaaaayz! Ever feel like hoppin into Iron Banner, tearing through the map with that rat king 6 stack? How about “taste the rainbow” where we each use a different trace rifle? Sweet business with Actium? Chain bubbles? Are we bad people? Sometimes. Is it fun? Immensely. we also have the few, the elite, who can’t help but bask in the warmth of the lighthouse every week. Our clan is split between North America and the EU, we are actively recruiting more from both regions so its easy and quick to team up and jump in. REQUIREMENTS: - Must be 17+ - Must be active in our clan discord, we use it to group up / plan events - Must actually own the game / expansions so that you have access to the content Everyone’s welcome. https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2210627
WE ARE HAWKS OF THE MILLENIUM! We are a clan/community that is like a bar/lodge of players whose true goal is to play, have fun and form relationships. Our community foundation is built for the working/family person because that is what we the founders of this clan are, working and family people and we want more like minded people to join us. We truly understand that you have a life to live and families to take care of and a job to work because let's face it, those bills won't pay themselves. Here at HOTM you're not just a member, your family! We want to be there for you during your highs and your lows. We want you to be a part of something you have never experienced in a clan before. We are seeking players who are looking for a community setting and playing with others when on. (Sorry we are not looking for a “Lone Wolf'' type of player.) We are a multi-platform and multi-timezone 18+ community. So if this is of any interest you please read what we are about below, and if you like what we are about, come soar with the Hawks! WHAT WE OFFER *A fun welcoming atmosphere *Leadership that actively interacts, communicates, and listens to the community **A fun discord server: You can chat with clanmates, utilize Charlemagne, watch the latest lore & tutorial videos produced by Youtube content creators, share memes, and a place to share pictures and life events and much more.. *A medium sized clan (we cap at 50 members) *A community that is patient and willing to get your light level up *We have a team that specializes in clan crucible events for fun, gambit events, and for those who need help navigating the game and assisting new destiny players to get their light level up *Patient raid leaders that host weekly and bi-weekly runs WHAT WE REQUIRE: *Must have a discord and working mic. This is our main hub for communication. (PLEASE BE ADVISED WE WILL NOT GRANT MEMBERSHIP UNTIL YOU HAVE JOINED OUR DISCORD SERVER) *Must be willing to be social and play with others: Our goal here is to be a community. We know getting to know new people can be difficult especially in a virtual world. We also understand and respect that there are times you want to be on your own or play other games. Also in the same token players have joined us because they are looking to play with others and do endgame activities. Also because let's face it, destiny is best played with friends. Unfortunately if you don't like playing with others, then this may not be the clan for you. In your 1st 2 weeks we want to see if you stay constant with community interaction. Unfortunately we have had members join and for the 1st week be active and then not play or interact with the community. In that 2 week period if not interacive with the community you could be dismissed from the clan without notice WHAT WILL CAUSE A DISMISSAL FROM THE CLAN: *Please see rules upon joining discord *Must interact on discord at least 4 times and 2 times playing with others within a 30 day rolling period: Yes our foundation is built on the working and family person, but in the same turn this is a social community. We want people in the clan to play or interact every once in a while. Not doing so results in a dead clan. If something happens and you need to step away due to work, personal reasons, or endgame boredom let us know and we will work with you. If interested, please find us at our clan page https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=4868880 And here is our Discord https://discord.gg/sjmubHABQs Once you have joined our server, we will accept you in the clan via Bungie app (Again please be advised, membership will be accepted until joined. WE WILL NOT DM REMINDERS TO JOIN OUR DISCORD SERVER! So if you send a request to join it will remain unaccepted until discord is joined) If you have any questions before joining, please feel free to DM us. We look forward to playing with you. Hope to see you soon!
https://www.bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2087497 SSJN is an expanding clan that started in D1, we are a US based clan that is mostly PvE oriented. However, we do LOVE a good raid! We have a few Raid Sherpas, who specializes in helping new players learn the mechanics inside and out. We, as a clan, pride ourselves on helping each other to get better at both PvE and PvP activities. REQUIREMENTS: 1. Have a MIC 2. MUST be 18 or older 4. Band app is necessary for clan communications. 5. Let the admin team know if you'll be inactive for more than 90 days! 6. Be nice and have fun! If any Guardians have questions about the clan, please send a message to myself ballsnpurse or TheDuckyCommando on either this app, or PSN for details about joining! Sincerely, ballsnpurse Hey, join our 'SUPER SAIYAN SWAGGA' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities! https://band.us/n/a1a971K3Q8qdQ