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10/25/2022 1:03:49 PM

Experienced destiny player looking for an active PVE/RAID/GM CLAN.

Hey everyone! Looking for an active clan that plays PVE content or endgame GM RAID sherpas or quick runs in raids. I can easily do 5-6 raids a day and have no issue. I used to be huge in the game when levithan came out but aa everyone knows the game was super dull after that. But I recently came back about 2 seasons ago and I pretty much ended up right back to where I was. I love doing raid sherpas or helps and Gms as well. I'm very knowledgeable with VOG VOW AND KF Conquerer x3 since I've been back. So if this sounds like your clan. I'd be happy to join up. I've recently ran into clans who say they are active but are always doing other stuff. Instead of wanting to hammer out some raids or a sherpa.



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  • Hey, have a look at the clan I am in. We often run endgame pve and are always happy to have more like minded players. We've held recruitment about a week ago and have a fair share of new/returning players join who are yet to experience majority of the raids etc... So having someone who is able to lend a helping hand on top of those of us who have been sherpas and so, would just be outstanding! And of course, the more people to play and have a laugh with the merrier! If you do like the sound of the Vicious Hamsters, feel free to send a join request. (do let me know if you do, so I can let the admins know).



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