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11/8/2022 2:38:37 PM

Dear Bungie, things have to change.

The direction Destiny has been going in needs a course correction, quickly. Everyone from the Hardcore players to the Casual players are salty and burned out. One problem is there's nothing to really chase anymore and in a looter game that's the lifeblood that keeps things going. I don't get that dopamine rush anymore because honestly I don't really have to work for anything anymore...not really. Taipan is a prime example of that. I have about about 4 god-roll Taipans sitting in my vault from world drops and that weapon is one of, if not THE most powerful dps weapon in the game. That's bad for the game, end of story and should have never been allowed. 1. Bring back Pinnacle Weapons quests for PvE, PvP and Gambit. Give us something to chase. Something strong with unique traits that helps us progress into endgame content. Just don't make them too OP like Recluse, Mountain Top and Revoker that ruined things in the first place. We need that sense of reward back when we grind and finish a Pinnacle quest. There are some New Lights who have never experienced that and that's a shame. 2. Weapons Crafting has to have limitations. It should only be used to help as a counter to RNG if someone just can't get a good roll to help in progression. Nothing more than a stepping stone. Enhanced Perks should never be attainable in crafting, only in endgame content. Once someone gets all the patterns they want, they never need to chase another weapon. 3. Put the old content back in the game. Red War, Curse of Osiris, Warmind and Forsaken. That's a ton of areas and content just gone and inaccessible. Removing it didn't improve game performance. D2 is just as buggy as I remember after content vaulting. The only difference I've noticed is that everything feels smaller and emptier. Please, just put it back. It can be done and you know very well it can. 4. Enough with excessive grinding for menial rewards and drip feeding. There is such a thing as too little and too much. Your in the too much zone. Feeling like you're running on a hamster wheel gets old very fast and is guaranteed to cause burnout. 5. Possibly consider a subscription model like Elder Scrolls Online, where if you pay monthly you get access to everything and if you're a nonsubscriber you have access to what you've already paid for. Possibly charge $10 a month because the game is mainly P2P and not heavy on servers. 6. More Quality Assurance/Quality Control. 7. Give PvP as much attention as you do PvE. There is a dedicated chunk of the player base that main PvP and they get pretty shafted. I don't know I'm just spitballing here. But something has to be done and time is of the essence. Do whatever you got to do. Even if you have to take a loss to get it done. Sometimes that's just how things have to be to move forward. I foresee incoming dislikes.



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