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1/22/2023 5:47:00 AM

Did the pyramids inspire early human architecture?

Now that I've been inside the pyramid on Savathun's throne world, I've noticed that it seems very similar to Mayan or Egyptian architecture. I know the out of game reason for this, but it raises the question in-universe of whether or not the black fleet visited earth in the distant past. If not, I wonder if perhaps certain members of early human society received visions of the Darkness and/or the Black Fleet, thus influencing this aesthetic.



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  • There was an old leak that was obviously false that put the final shape taking place on earth in Egypt where the Giza pyramids turned into a massive pyramid ship with nezarec at the helm of it. I think this leak had nezarec taking the role of the witness. I think the final shape taking place on earth would be a big let down. At least the new patrol being there would be a letdown. I think the final showdown has to be in the city though. Maybe we'll get lucky and get multiple patrols like in forsaken



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  • How can you be certain the pyramids are "human" architecture rather than appropriated from another group. If you take a serious look at the pyramids and their structure you'll quickly find numerous issues with what has been fed to the masses.



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  • [quote]Now that I've been inside the pyramid on Savathun's throne world, I've noticed that it seems very similar to Mayan or Egyptian architecture. I know the out of game reason for this, but it raises the question in-universe of whether or not the black fleet visited earth in the distant past. If not, I wonder if perhaps certain members of early human society received visions of the Darkness and/or the Black Fleet, thus influencing this aesthetic.[/quote] Everyone knows it's the Goa'uld that influenced the pyramids.



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    • Well we know that the Black Fleet must’ve been in Sol at some point prior to the Traveler’s arrival, given that Nezerac was worshipped as a God in some distant pre-golden age era.



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      • Keep in mind the insides of each pyramid seem to adapt to their owner or surroundings in some way that hasn't yet been explained. Why else would there be incomplete statues of horses around in one of them?



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        • 1

          This game sucks now!! - 3/14/2025 5:23:23 AM

          No my -blam!- did though.



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        • Id say its possible lore wise, hell just take a look at trials and its egyptian aesthetic. Clearly someone on the dev team takes a shine to this theme so with how old the pyramid ships are it could well have influenced our ingame ancient history.



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        • [quote]Now that I've been inside the pyramid on Savathun's throne world, I've noticed that it seems very similar to Mayan or Egyptian architecture. I know the out of game reason for this, but it raises the question in-universe of whether or not the black fleet visited earth in the distant past. If not, I wonder if perhaps certain members of early human society received visions of the Darkness and/or the Black Fleet, thus influencing this aesthetic.[/quote] Most cultures made a form of pyramids because of what they represented, which in mayan cultures were altars that reached into the sky where their gods were. As for pyramids it was because the pharaohs that were buried in them were considered incarnations of their sun god. And well its the better structure to make when trying to build something pointing to the sky when all they know are basic 3d shapes



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        • 由BOSSNONO254編輯: 1/22/2023 6:42:36 PM
          I believe this theory highly. Similar to how the Eternals were seen as gods in the marvel universe during early civilizations. Such as goddess Athena.



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