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1/22/2023 5:47:00 AM

Did the pyramids inspire early human architecture?

Now that I've been inside the pyramid on Savathun's throne world, I've noticed that it seems very similar to Mayan or Egyptian architecture. I know the out of game reason for this, but it raises the question in-universe of whether or not the black fleet visited earth in the distant past. If not, I wonder if perhaps certain members of early human society received visions of the Darkness and/or the Black Fleet, thus influencing this aesthetic.



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  • [quote]Now that I've been inside the pyramid on Savathun's throne world, I've noticed that it seems very similar to Mayan or Egyptian architecture. I know the out of game reason for this, but it raises the question in-universe of whether or not the black fleet visited earth in the distant past. If not, I wonder if perhaps certain members of early human society received visions of the Darkness and/or the Black Fleet, thus influencing this aesthetic.[/quote] Everyone knows it's the Goa'uld that influenced the pyramids.



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