Campaign was crap. You go from taken king Destiny 1 to this, sad
Ya the campaign was a let down. How come you guys go from oryx the taken king which was probably the best campaign/story line and raid In my opinion, to absolutely trash and lack of feeling/emotion in the story. Like you guys really jumped on the woke agenda of ruining everything that’s good and creating crap content. (Learn from your past successes and make things better!!!!!!!!) destiny one was perfect, now fix destiny 2.
That’s because this game is cyclical.
The Dark Below was mid
HoW was an improvement but PvE wise fell short
The Taken King was Amazing.
RoI was mid to Good but not TTK
D2 release was HORRIFIC
CoO was bad
Shadowkeep was azz.
Beyond Light was Mid.
WQ was Amazing..
LightFall start was a false start.
Let it play out.
We still have a new raid, new dungeon and other content to get to.
Let the Cake Bake.