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3/6/2023 9:06:35 PM

Bungie: Please fix the Glorious title bug. It completely devalues the only crucible title.

For the unaware: Individuals who don't already have Glorious can get it entirely on accident just by finishing a handful of the triumphs, and others have reported getting it just by logging in. While I realize a lot of people don't recognize it as one of the hardest emblems to get in the game, I personally love crucible and as a solo player, it took me a long time to get it last season. Then, suddenly on day 1 of Lightfall, I go into a lobby of people who have already gilded Glorious. I think "oh it must be pretty easy then" but it requires 2 full resets of crucible rank and requires one to hit adept rank in comp. Again: This isn't the most difficult title to get in the game at all. But it's really disheartening to work hard for a title, which requires an actual degree of skill rather than just grinding to get, only to see it glitched into peoples' inventories for free the very next season.



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