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3/11/2023 6:04:19 PM

Issues after hotfix date today 3/11/23

Since the hotfix I believe that's the number. I still can't access the commendation page. Game close out completely and sends a report to PS. Crucible, gambit, open world, vanguard playlist.... Players invisible, guns going invisible to visible (vice versa), crap shoot to be able to give commendations. Commendation page may appear after activity, page may have guardians, may only have little box that shows a commendation, hover over a player on page and states I have given a commendation (when I havent), playing in open world public events will crash sending be to orbit or closing the game out completely, interacting with object in the environment will require to be specifically in a location (meaning a very small window) have to be so far away off to the right or left (it's ridiculous). I get contacting destiny servers when switching weapons.or armor (consistantly). In open world or activities guns will go invisible. I have switch guns (with triangle) sometimes it works, most times doesn't. The transmitter to get credit for the the city and the myster triump disappeared and hasn't given credit for "shadow legion surveilled". Issue with jutoun doesn't track consistently. Please read this!



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