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3/12/2023 7:31:47 AM

RNG Hell in Recovered Leviathan Weapon Patterns

Spend 2 engrams for a coin flip to get a shotty or class sword. Maybe 1/10 has a pattern. No way to focus for either in the War Table upgrades. Getting one of the patterns done is going to take all season, and blocks progressing the other seasonal weapon patterns since they take the same engram. Doesn't feel "aspirational" as much as "pounding forehead into concrete". Even raid weapons are easier to craft over time. Who thought of this?



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  • The focusing has to be weighted towards the shotgun, I got 29 shotguns while only getting 10 swords in a single focusing session, which personally i feel is a little too far apart to be mere chance. Anyways using this ratio (getting 1 sword to every 3 shotguns) and the estimated 1 in 10 chance of red border (which should be corrrect as i got 1 red border sword putting me at 3/5 and 2 red border shottys which finished that pattern) this would mean that it would take 50 swords to get the pattern which would assumingly drop 150 shotguns, take into account the fact that there are 3 swords and that means youd need 150 swords and by extenstion 450 shotguns, which would be 600 focuses, which would require 1200 engrams or 600 activity completions. Add onto that the cost of 1000 glimmer means youd be spending 600,000 glimmer which would translate to 600 legendary shards through currency trading at rahool. Basically the drop rates for the shotgun and swords seem to be reversed as instead of drop 1 shotgun to 3 swords which assuming a 1 in 10 red border chance would require 50 shottys which would then make for 150 swords which would assuming the 1 in 10 would drop 15 red borders which is properly spread out to all 3 classes would complete each pattern, it drops at 1 sword to 3 shottys. AKA WHAT THE **** BUNGO, WHYD YOU THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA.



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  • I'm focusing on those exclusively. The seasonal weapons drop with red borders and will have the guaranteed one per week starting tomorrow. Should be able to knock em out within a few weeks. I do agree the rng worries me on the leviathan weapons though. If I was going for every class specific sword it would not be great.



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  • Yeah I'm not touching it. It'll be adjusted later I'm sure. It's not worth it anyway, it's a shotgun, they're a dime a dozen and I've already got good swords.



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  • 由Amazinite編輯: 3/12/2023 10:38:32 AM
    Defiant engrams drop like candy. I’m already at 4/5 on both the shotgun and one of the swords after maybe 40-50 engrams spent.



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