In my opinion, the darkness subclasses (Stasis, Strands) are really cool, but it would be very appealing (and fair) if they received variations in their supers, since they are the only ones that have only one super option. An improvement in this aspect would make these subclasses much more attractive.
I know it sounds lazy but a well like thing for warlocks but instead of healing is had much greater dmg resist and slowed/froze enemies that entered it (or that could be an exotic)
I put this in a similar post: [quote]Yes For titans: -Create a giant wall of crystals that are way more durable than normal crystals, is 2 layers think, and are taller and wider than normal crystals. Enemies that come near the wall are slowed. Also, it gives nearby guardians 30% damage resistance and increases their reload speed. It’s kinda a support super, kinda a defense super. The ability to create a wall that can be hid behind would be great for both pve and pvp. Hunters: -pretty self explanatory, run around with their scythes. Light attacks slow, heavy attacks freeze. Dodge recharges faster when in your super (would pair well with bakris) Again, this is pretty self explanatory as a super. Warlocks: -Slam their staff in the ground, emitting a freezing burst. Then the staff will send out a shatter wave, then a freezing wave, then a shatter wave…so on and so forth. This would be a zone denial type of super that would be an instant super. Also, here are some melee ideas: Titan: -throw a (weaker) diamond lance that freezes on direct hits and slows nearby targets. Hunter: -use your scythe as a melee ability. Pressing melee would throw a surge that slows and creates a small (like smaller than a duskfield) slowing field. Holding melee would throw the freezing scythe that freezes a small area Warlock: -raise your staff into the air, slowing targets in a short range (like 5 meters) and shatter any frozen targets in a moderate range (15-20 meters).[/quote]