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由The Spoken編輯: 5/24/2023 10:17:44 AM

There's a ladder with a banana at the top and three monkeys on my porch

Experiment: place 3 monkeys in a room with a ladder, put a banana at the top of the ladder. When a monkey tries to climb the ladder to get the banana hose down all of the monkeys with high pressure cold water. Monkeys no longer want to get the banana after multiple soakings. Replace one monkey with the a new monkey; monkey tries to climb to get the banana; other monkeys pull him down and beat him until he won't go near the ladder. Repeat until all monkeys have been replaced; introduce 4th monkey. Monkey see banana, monkey climb ladder. Other monkeys beat up the new monkey without knowing why... Result: all monkeys afraid to climb the ladder without even knowing why climbing the ladder to get the banana is not allowed. Now have too many monkeys on Porch, what do?



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