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5/24/2023 11:08:47 PM

My Theory: Destiny 2 Clans are Getting Thrown??

Ok, Before you think “Is this guy dumb?”… NO I’m not, Ok so Yesterday or day before this New Season of the Deep released I was still in my Clan… I created it, Now Today (the same day as Release)… I just noticed during a Game of Competitive Crucible… That my “Clan Affiliation” WAS GONE!!! So I went on to win the Match and Double Checked in case it was a Glitch… SOMEHOW… I got removed from MY OWN CLAN!!! Now, Everyone else in the clan (or not) I don’t know yet… But What the Hell is going on with this… Do you think this is weird and could potentially be yet another Bug to fix… or do you think Bungie is Thinking about Removing Clans from Destiny 2?!?! 🤔🤔🤔 I’d love to know your guys thoughts on this, So please let me know in the Comments what you think is going on…



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