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6/6/2023 11:50:45 AM

Rocket based exotic armor

I believe the time has come to give the destiny community an exotic armor piece that buffs rocket launchers or maybe even grenade launchers. However, the main focus of this post will be for rockets. There's multiple exotics that buff specific weapon type in the game. Most of them have a clear exotic armor that pairs extremely well if not perfectly with that weapon type. Bungie has shown that they aren't unwilling to add more of these exotics into the game with their most recent addition of the warlock exotic "Cenotaph Mask." It's a shame that linear fusion rifles (Rain of Fire) and trace rifles (Cenotaph Mask) received exotic armor love before rockets or light/heavy gls. Of course I do have perk ideas but I'm not a game designer so I'll spare everyone that headache. [b][i][u]HOWEVER[/u][/i][/b] I do want to remind anyone reading this, devs included, that Bungie did release a rocket based exotic helmet in Destiny 1 named "The Taikonaut" which gave the user: tracking to all rockets, a radar while aiming heavy weapons, and more heavy ammo drops. In closing summary, please add a rocket based exotic armor into the game. The weapon type could use a little something to spice up the rocket based gameplay!



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