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6/21/2023 7:17:58 PM

Voidwalker Pocket Singularity is not consistent or reliable

In this video example, an opponent is sprinting in a straight line directly toward me. I use Pocket Singularity, and it hits the opponents head on. Pocket Singularity is supposed to push the opponent away from me, but instead it helped catapult the opponent into me which undeniably helped the opponent to KO me. This kind of interaction happens so often that I consider Pocket Singularity to be more of a risk to me than a benefit. If it doesn't outright launch the opponent into me, then it bounces them up or to the side which still grants them a benefit over me. At minimum, it results in me wasting time and effectively being unable to use my melee ability in any reliable or consistent manner. Please give Voidwalker an alternate melee option. I would be fine with one of the old versions. Energy Drain that is just a standard melee that restores some ability energy, or something like Atomic Breach which was much more reliable on the pushback effect. Anything other than Pocket Singularity because, as I demonstrated above (and again, this happens VERY often) it is not a reliable or consistent melee ability for Voidwalker. Not even in PVE because it will track to something off screen many times. Pocket Singularity is not consistent, it is not reliable, and it does not track in an intuitive way. I've even noticed that it does not consistently make targets volatile. Please give a different melee ability option to Voidwalker.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Try using the hunter void supers. It’s absolutely the most wonderful experience!!!



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  • U should see tether in pvp n that’s a super



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    3 回覆
    • 由WormChi編輯: 6/22/2023 6:43:52 PM
      Same with HHSN. I find it hilarious that both striker and GG have 1hk melees while VW has a grenade that more often than not gets you killed. Not only do you lose your grenade but you also have to use an aspect. Btw it no longer is a 1hk. The bias from the devs against locks is so cringe. Edit: I love how all the Striker mains come out of no where while we are talking about Voidwalker. The need to respond is just proving what everyone, including Bungie, already knows. Strikers are busted and if you lie to yourself you’re just defending your crutch.



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      45 回覆
      • I’ve had times where it’s incredibly strong, but those are so few and far between. Being able to hit targets around corners or while moving quickly while at semi-mid range is very nice. Even the impulse can be great when it knocks enemies airborne. But those are just not very frequent. Every other time it’s just an extremely underwhelming ability. A bigger detonation would be great for making it at least useful for PvE. I’d also take them giving us Atomic Breach or Energy Drain back



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      • i just wish that the melee would either push likes its supposed to or do atleast the same dmg as a uncharged like cmon why i gotta use 3 melees just because the *charged* one didnt do enough to even break shield even all other warlock melee can deal atleast enough dmg for 2 melees



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      • Yes! This is the exact problem I have with this melee, besides the fact that it can only apply Volatile to one enemy unless they're tightly grouped together. Bungie could kill 2 birds with one stone by giving it a secondary AoE pulse after the initial impact, with a stronger push effect, and the ability to apply Volatile to enemies within that AoE.



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      • This is exactly why I HATE fighting it. It launches you in the air in a completely RANDOM direction. It needs to be redesigned.



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      • Pocket singularity also blocks bullets without being able to be destroyed, It’s such an incredibly strong melee capable of breaking hard deadlocks in close range just by following it like its a coldsnap. I would happily see it’s cheesyness go.



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        6 回覆
        • I miss just the regular melee that pushed back. It was waaaaay better then the new crap.



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        • 100% agree.



          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        • Atomic breach was such a good melee. I miss it so much



          以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

        • I second this. A different melee for Void is very much needed,as he stated it is not as effective as it promotes itself. I wish it would actually push targets as it mentions. I have never seen volite in action either,is very frustrating!



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        • Even without watching the video I also wish it was better. The knockback is more hindering than anything and the recovery animation is a death sentence at a certain range.



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        • All melees are inconsistent. You can be in someone's face in PvP and your melee completely whiffs. This also occurs if you or another player place down a Titan barricade and try to melee one another, either you or them will just lunge punch the barricade because tracking. This isn't just related to normal melee either, Eager Edge also has a MASSIVE problem with tracking. You can be about 15 feet from any enemy, use Eager Edge and lock onto the enemy without even looking at them. Terrible game design honestly.



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