Add 3 more slots to character armor + gear. Tired of having to use 3rd party apps to pull out weapons when I need to adapt to a different map or room/boss
There is space for 3 more slots on our characters.
I like to play with different guns, and I feel like it's such an unfortunate and unnecessary step to have to pull out my laptop to quickly look for a gun, pull it to my character and use because I cannot keep one of each archetype on my character so I can easily swap (I'm on console) to a different gun when the map asks for different strategies aka long range, short range.
I know there are too many archetypes to have one of each sometimes, but 3 more options would help a lot.
The ease of use makes us dread less the trying out new guns process, and helps us move faster from activity to activity.
Loadouts are very helpful but specially for armor exotic builds or being able to quickly adapt gameplay 3 extra slots would be chefs kiss. I want to try new guns, but I also want to have quick access to the ones I use the most.
With so many weapons in game, having to go to the vault everytime I need something is a given, but extra character slots would make it easier to manage.