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由STRAIDER編輯: 8/15/2023 6:43:02 PM

Need please help by a Mod or Ninja!

[b]Hey guys, [spoiler]in a nutshell, I'm whining because I didn't get my loot after the Lighthouse. after i contatked the supoort, i received a copy & paste reply.[/spoiler] Text: Unfortunately our contact form and agents are not set up to investigate this issue. If you need help with your issue, please try one of the following: Search for relevant help articles or tutorials. Post on the #help forums, where other players, volunteer community moderators, and Destiny player support can help answer questions Submit a help request with all the necessary information using the appropriate contact form. If there isn't one, please post in our #help forums Screenshot: [url][/url] So I will do exactly what the moderator asked me to do! I'll be back ________________________________________________________________________________ Lighthouse simulator was canceled due to maintenance work [url][/url] Hello dear Bungie Support. Due to maintenance (preparation for the weekly reset) I was kicked out of the lighthouse simulation. The box was never opened. I never got my loot. In the links you can find the proofs. Since I'm rather mediocre in relation to other players, I was of course even more pleased that I actually made it on my own. I would break to stand there at the end without reward. I would be very happy for a subsequent correction. Crucible report: [url][/url] I look forward to hearing from you guys! STRAIDER[/b]



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