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8/19/2023 3:27:20 AM

Error Code: BEAGLE

Error Code Beagle has been constantly popping up on my destiny 2 account for the past week. I posted on tiktok for help after doing everything I could think of, and nothing has worked as of yet. As a quick side note, I play on Steam. So, I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times in the two possible locations on my computer. I have verified the content a number of times to no avail. I have attempted to clear potential corrupt files. I have restarted my computer a number of times. There are no mods for the game as some people believed that was the source of my problem. We hoped that the weekly reset would push my game back into functional order, but that was nothing more than a useless dream. (I am currently waiting until the season 22 drop on the 22nd of this month, but, my hope after this many attempts at fixing this past week has been growing thin) When this all happened, I was playing through the witch queen campaign on my titan to get used to my titan better as I am a warlock main. Unfortunately, right as the projections of Savathun through me off the blasted ship, my external hard drive where the game had been downloaded got unplugged. As soon as I tried to get back in the game, nothing worked. I had several plans this week to do with my clan and just for myself, and I haven't been able to do any of it. (all of my other steam games work completely fine, same thing with my epic games, ea games, and anything else I have on my computer) I know a lot of people are having issues with destiny lately and the state of the game. But, personally, I absolutely love it. I have made so many new friends on this game, and several of them quite literally saved my life. This game is the only way I can play with any of them and I would give anything to get back on with them. I love every possible aspect of this game series, even if I am absolute trash at pvp and everything else in this game, it just too amazing to put down. My best friend 3 years ago bought the dlcs for me so I could get the full experience when he first dragged me into this game and got me hooked. I reached out through the proper bungie support page, but, they rejected my request for help. I don't blame after everything this community has put them through. But, I am hoping there are still other shining lights out there, even a guardian needs a guardian to stand back up on their feet. Some people may think "its just a game, don't get so worked up about it". To me, and my friends, it is more than a game. So please, if any of you have any new advice, please do let me know. Eyes up Guardians, and let the light guide you.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Press the Windows Key and R key together, write %TEMP% and hit Enter, a folder will open with other subfolders, look for the one named Destiny 2 and rename it (something like Destiny_2_backup for example) and relaunch the game



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

    4 回覆
    • eu estou com mesmo problema e se for por mods que nao tenho tambem pq odeio hacker assim os outros jogos tanto da epic quanto da steam tambem dariam problemas. eu jogo fortnite de boa, yugioh master duel, farligh ja fiz quase todos os mesmo procdimentos que vc amigo e mesmo assim sem esperança posso tentar instalar pla steam mas la nao tenho as dlcs que comprei pela epic ai eu ficaria restringido no mapa mundo ai prefiro desistir d vez do jogo mesmo se nao houver resoluçao do problema, e fora q pago amazon gaming so pra pegar as compensaçoes do destiny no meu caso to vendo so prejuizo resolva ai por favor bungie



      以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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