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8/22/2023 7:23:40 PM

S22 wiped ALL THE VENDOR ENGRAMS, when we were told that's not going to happen anymore.

We were told by Destiny2Team Twitter that we could carry over 99 engrams at the end of the season. "With the launch of Season 21, unclaimed vendor engrams will no longer be totally wiped when a new Season launches. However, due to the inventory limits of vendors, they will each only be able to hold up to 99 unclaimed engrams when a new Season launches." This is not the case.. I've been cleared out of all tower vendor engrams. Not looking for a roll back. Just an acknowledgement from the team and maybe, put that "special delivery Terminal" into practice.. Maybe a few Ascendant Shards maybe? I lot about 150 engrams I saved up for the beginning of this season.. All gone.. :(



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