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8/27/2023 10:44:14 PM

~~<NEW>~~ Destiny Seekers LFG and Clan discord || Clan of Harmony

Are you trying to join a clan? Looking for people to play with when your clan isn't available? Or do you prefer to stay out of clans but sometimes need an extra person or two? Well thanks to discord, which is completely free, and some handy discord bots, you can find people to join you in whatever activity destiny offers regardless of what platform someone has. using discord and the system setup we can communicate with ease regardless of what you play destiny on! Destiny Seekers is a discord server created by me for all destiny players to come together, have fun, make friends and get that new gear you might be after haha! We have multiple discord bots that I gathered which were created by some very intelligent people that have graciously shared them with the community! These bots do things like - Show all of a weapons possible traits - Show daily & weekly inventory rotations as well as rotated activities - Check any and all stats of yourself and/or others (activities, weapon kills, previous runs and much much more) - Notify you of an incoming Vex Strike Force (VSF has a guaranteed chance of giving you exotic armor you don't have yet) Destiny Seekers is open to all whether or not you choose to join the clan; I do not want joining the clan to ever feel like a requirement to use the server. However if you do choose to join the clan just let anyone within the leadership know! before joining please do the following ~ 1.} Upvote the post! This allows us to be seen more frequently and gain more members! 2.} Click the link for discord, read the rules and then register with the bot. which will have you sign into discord and whatever you play destiny on. Which will give you full access to the server. 3.} Once you've had a look around the server be sure to come back to this post and leave a comment. Similar to upvoting, comments help significantly to boost a post in the forums! please and thank you! 4.} Lastly, head on over to #alert-roles in the Destiny_Alerts category on the discord. There you'll find roles used for receiving important notifications. (Looking For Group, announcements and Vex Strike Force) After that go ahead and find some people to jump into a match with! should you have questions you may DM me here or message gukuhlt_bear on discord! The server is only a week old yet growing quickly. Share to help us grow faster!!! The more we grow the more active it will become!



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