So with the most recent post of destiny wanting pvp ideas, it got me thinking about what mods are most important in pvp, and what mods could be added to make it better. AE leg armor mod is a popular one, along with coupling AE Stat with mobility. This idea originally came from this discussion and from the fact that we technically already have this in the game. Resistance directly ties to flinch. The proposal is changing the values of armor wholesale, from a scale of 00 to 100. To just 0 to 10. Have every guardians value set to tier 2-4 (or have different default values for all 3 classes) in every category. And armor can be have values of "+1-10" depending on the activity and its difficulty, main reason being to make them as a whole more impactful and probably helps when certain sets dont drop with their super high "guaranteed" stat. With mods either adding too or taking away from other stats as they provide varied benefits and not just Stat boosts. And the stats that should be primarily traded should be our ability stats and our (what i personally refer to as) world stats. If our world stats affect our gunplay and directly enhances it. It should come at the cost of higher ability cooldowns, and visa versa. This would make the option of either building into your subclass directly, or your weapons directly. Which I have faith might alleviate some of our ability spam issues. It wouldn't stop abilities efficacy, but either lower the frequency or at least enforce the player to either get better at using their weapons in tandem with their abilities. Or to just use weapons with marginal but substantial assistance and use abilities sparingly. Which could lead to more varied perk usage across the board.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is that destiny's most important aspect is its gunplay, and to make armor more important is to make it directly change that. And not just change it but also give us benefit in the activity we earned it in. So to me, Stat coupling and giving a blanket armor set bonus to the crucible, strikes, gambit, etc. Would be the easiest and fastest way to make, theoretically, all armor have a purpose up until you upgrade (which is what we do anyways).