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9/15/2023 5:57:27 AM

Giving up on you, Bungie

You've made it abundantly clear that you don't care about my time. From taking away taking away ritual playlist engrams every season to passive aggressive currency caps like the Nightfall tokens, you're ready to clip our wings at every opportunity. The latest TWAB says it all. You really thought it was clever and cute saying "although Drifter is probably proud of your methods..." but I see well beyond that. You just admit you identify the player-base on the premise that everyone is a cheater and/or uses exploits so you feel justified on taking an entire currency from us despite what was earned by legit means, anything to feel empowered to continue to force us to play for longer and harder, while still being completely tone deaf to the real issue at hand. Your game SUCKS at rewarding players, so players feel OBLIGATED to use any and all exploit they are able to take advantage of. Here's the thing, I normally would agree with your decision, yes L.shards are a SMALL problem for the game with all the exploits blowing up, It would be fair to level the playing field to an extent, but choosing to outright provide nothing in exchange while pretending like your game has any semblence of an economy? You are acting out of spite. You've never done right by the players for YOUR mistakes. years of game-breaking bugs that make entire builds/exotics/playlists inaccessible or unviable without any effort to offer your players reparations. The message you have been screaming at us with this practice all along has just been "Deal with it." As a live service game, you're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of respecting your players. Most live service games would offer some sort of item or currency in exchange for their mistakes, the only time you've ever done that is once with a "buy 2 alloys for the price of 1" exchange. You could have easily done right by the players by offering stuff like bright dust or a gunsmith rep exchange. ANYTHING besides the disrespectful rug pull you plan to do. Considering all the constant heat you are getting for your questionable practices with the Eververse, you could have knocked out 2 birds with 1 stone. So guess what's going to happen anyway? All the shard-rich players are just going to stock up on everything possible to maintain their advantage. Loaded with banners, enhancement cores, prisms and ascendant shards. If stabilizing the "economy" was your goal, you've only accomplished spitting in our faces while exacerbating the issue. Its a good thing that's not really the goal though... right? Your real goal is to force players to play longer. To suck up our time in these mindlessly repetitive playlists, a practice harnessed by dark gaming psychology to get us to spend more. You all deserve the same fate as Diablo IV. Anyways, I highly doubt anyone at Bungie will give a damn about this post, much less read it, its mostly me just venting into the void. My faith in you guys has been extinguished and I can only hope there is a large enough backlash to make you reconsider your assault on us guardians. If you don't reconsider or add some fort of reparation at LEAST a dramatically improved version of your engram economy, I finally feel empowered enough to delete my characters and walk away. You are now just a Thorn at my side, Bungie.



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