i always play agains full stuke of titans.....
add solo trails or delete the titans!!!!
由NotCreative123編輯: 9/26/2023 9:15:44 PMI highly doubt you are playing many 3-stacks as a solo. However, you might be playing with a lot of 2-stacks. I personally don't see the problem with that, as long as both teams consist of a 2-stack and a solo. Statistically, Titans are the least used Class in Trials. You are not "running into triple Titan stacks every game." EDIT: Finally, how would introducing Freelance reduce the number of Titans? Seems like you have two complaints that are not related at all.
But they should Go Back to sbmm I cant See it anymore.. 7/10 rounds bot Walkers in my Team
lol there will be no more solo playlists. There are too many quitting the game. They don't want to split the remaining players. and who cares? Bungie can't even keep their servers online. +No Community communication BCS they dnt Care. Welcome to Destiny 2023
Yesterday I had a teammate who ran to Station, and would just crouch and hide there. Every. Single. Round. Not shoot anything. Just hide. While me and the other guy are fighting in a 2v3 on the opposite side of the map at Deck or Pad Today I had one who ran off on his own, and died first literally every round, causing us to get stomped. And when we get to round 4-2 or 4-3 or something, broski just starts yeeting himself off the map like he’s put in too much effort already Instead of a solo queue, I’d just like to see infinitely better matchmaking. You know…moron protection. Like rng-protection, but for trials 😂
Last week thank god I’ve done a very quick flawless before we knew about the bug so I survived the weapon glitch weekend. This week I’ve done a quick flawless and lost a game where we were solos against a stacked clan team it was my third game and it was their flawless game we got 5-0d but went flawless on my 1st card and got out.
And yet any time I've played its Hunters and warlocks. I find a handful of titans. Seems you have a skill issue because no matter how many times they get nerfed (and it is alot) people like you cry about it. What am I missing? If you think titans are so powerful in general, then why not be a titan? Infact why does the entire game put together, still have mostly hunter then warlocks the least played in the game are titans
I hate to be that guy but it sounds like a skill issue. If you don’t know what to run, there are some good guides online that you could look up. I’d also suggest adapting your play style to theirs. If they keep doing well at one angle, find another, don’t keep pushing it, stuff like that