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10/5/2023 7:40:32 PM

MOTW Judgment Process

Hello! I am curious about the MOTW process. Do you go off how much you like a video or the originality and creativity of the video? I want to say first and foremost I am happy this guy won, but it is heart-wrenching to see a concept that you did first lose to someone else who did the same thing later. Before I posted my video I made sure there was none other on the creations page or TikTok. After that, I poured my heart and soul into creating a good video for MOTW, and to see someone else who did the same idea after me win... it doesn't sit right with me. To give them the benefit of the doubt they did do more colors/locales but the underlying concept and idea of the video is there. So all I'm asking is to help me understand why originality doesn't matter when posting for this. And yes I understand that this is a competition and other people are bound to do something similar. Like I said I'm happy they won, just curious about the process that's all. Congrats to him. Link to my video Posted: September 30th 2023 Their post was on October 3rd 2023: Link is attached
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