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由Karmgahl編輯: 10/12/2023 6:26:54 AM

Bungie, your ban handling is in DIRE need of some serious changes.

So a about a month ago came home from work and sat down at my computer only to be met with a message on steam saying I had been banned from Destiny 2 permanently. This caught me completely of guard and made an already bad day A LOT worse. Not only did I not have the slightest clue what I may have done to deserve this. But a friend I often play with messaged me at around the same time and told me he was banned as well. It was BEYOND frustrating not even knowing WHY we got banned. The amount of frustration and powerlessness I felt was mindnumbing. We both immediatly sent in an appeal but the overall feeling you get from posts on steam and on this forum is that the appeal system is rarely responded to by bungie and unbans are even rarer. So I thought we we're both pretty much screwed. The overall feeling you get from the community is that you're always guilty and that there are no such thing as false bans. So it's not even worth writing about it. All you can do is send in an appeal and wait, which we did. Fast forward to now now, almost a month later and we both finally got a reply: [quote] Your Destiny 2 account has been unbanned effective immediately, and within a week we will grant you 5,000 Silver to use in the Eververse. We sincerely apologize for what must have been a frustrating experience. Along with a small number of other players, your account was inadvertently flagged as having tampered with game client functionality. While the overwhelming majority of these detections are accurate, we discovered that in extremely rare cases this detection may be triggered through no fault of the player. This error was determined as part of our auditing process and we acted as quickly as possible to validate the issue and rescind the small number of inadvertent flags. [/quote] The feeling when I recieved this was mixed to say the least. Of course I'm grateful that I got my account back. I seriously thought my destiny days were over weeks ago. But spending some of those weeks trying to remember or get to the bottom of what the heck I might have done wrong. Was it some app i had installed on my computer? Was I hacked? or did I inadvertently use an exploit? As well as the general feeling of powerlessness and whatever the feeling you get when you're falsely judged/accused did take it's toll. Due to this whole ordeal I've now got some trust issues not only with Bungie (even though they DID fix their mistake). But with the entire Game as a service deal (GaaS). Because I'm now rather weary of spending my cash and above all my time on a game that might be taken away from at a moments notice through no fault of my own. Either due to some human pushing a button for whatever reason or becuase of some automated system giving out false positives or some other human error. And there is NOTHING you as a consumer can do about it. Because somehow consumer laws doesn't seem to cover GaaS yet. Even though with GaaS a customer has the potential to throw a near limitless amount of money at the game. And yet the customer is somehow at the complete mercy of the company providing the service? That can't be right, right? From what I can gather Bungie has now had 3 ban waves only this year that have all contained false positive bans. So Bungie, you REALLY need to do BETTER. Getting falsely banned from a game, and not even getting a general reason as to why. Then also realizing that it's mostly down to luck if you get unbanned at all (by your own wording when you're about to write an appeal) is horrible. Because it means all that time and money that you've spent on the game has been for naught. And If you keep this up not only are you risking more of your players trust, you might even risk hurting the industry at large, at least the GaaS part. I'm grateful I got unbanned but if you insist on perma-banning players please make VERY VERY sure they actually deserve it and please for the love of all that is holy PROVIDE a reason, not even getting a hint as what might have gone wrong or what you as a player might have done wrong was painful. Also don't let it take a month to realize your mistake. Then there is this: How do I know that this won't happen again? Just because they've fixed this problem now with whatever software or human error caused it. Doesn't mean there won't be new issues further down the line that leads to the same outcome.. Edit: Screenshots so that maybe more of you realize that this is in fact a problem and it's quite unacceptable for bungie to do this. Since it's now been happening too frequently over the past 8-10 months. Unban message from steam: Zoomed out screenshot of my mailbox Zoomed in one:



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  • Don't cheat



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  • Sorry that happened to y’all. Enforcement teams are just trash to deal with in my experience. Not just bungie. Xbox takes the cake for the worst support I’ve interacted with. No way to contact that enforcement team, even the support staff at Xbox don’t have a way to contact them. You have to have a strike against your account that is eligible for appeal and since I didn’t have any strikes I was SOL.



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    • Bump



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    • 由Gilgamesh編輯: 10/12/2023 1:27:23 AM
      [quote]So a about a month ago came home from work and sat down at my computer only to be met with a message on steam saying I had been banned from Destiny 2 permanently. This caught me completely of guard and made an already bad day A LOT worse. Not only did I not have the slightest clue what I may have done to deserve this. But a friend I often play with messaged me at around the same time and told me he was banned as well. It was BEYOND frustrating not even knowing WHY we got banned. The amount of frustration and powerlessness I felt was mindnumbing. We both immediatly sent in an appeal but the overall feeling you get from posts on steam and on this forum is that the appeal system is rarely responded to by bungie and unbans are even rarer. So I thought we we're both pretty much screwed. The overall feeling you get from the community is that you're always guilty and that there are no such thing as false bans. So it's not even worth writing about it. All you can do is send in an appeal and wait, which we did. Fast forward to now now, almost a month later and we both finally got a reply: [quote] Your Destiny 2 account has been unbanned effective immediately, and within a week we will grant you 5,000 Silver to use in the Eververse. We sincerely apologize for what must have been a frustrating experience. Along with a small number of other players, your account was inadvertently flagged as having tampered with game client functionality. While the overwhelming majority of these detections are accurate, we discovered that in extremely rare cases this detection may be triggered through no fault of the player. This error was determined as part of our auditing process and we acted as quickly as possible to validate the issue and rescind the small number of inadvertent flags. [/quote] The feeling when I recieved this was mixed to say the least. Of course I'm grateful that I got my account back. I seriously thought my destiny days were over weeks ago. But spending some of those weeks trying to remember or get to the bottom of what the heck I might have done wrong. Was it some app i had installed on my computer? Was I hacked? or did I inadvertently use an exploit? As well as the general feeling of powerlessness and whatever the feeling you get when you're falsely judged/accused did take it's toll. Due to this whole ordeal I've now got some trust issues not only with Bungie (even though they DID fix their mistake). But with the entire Game as a service deal (GaaS). Because I'm now rather weary of spending my cash and above all my time on a game that might be taken away from at a moments notice through no fault of my own. Either due to some human pushing a button for whatever reason or becuase of some automated system giving out false positives or some other human error. And there is NOTHING you as a consumer can do about it. Because somehow consumer laws doesn't seem to cover GaaS yet. Even though with GaaS a customer has the potential to throw a near limitless amount of money at the game. And yet the customer is somehow at the complete mercy of the company providing the service? That can't be right, right? From what I can gather Bungie has now had 3 ban waves only this year that have all contained false positive bans. So Bungie, you REALLY need to do BETTER. Getting falsely banned from a game, and not even getting a general reason as to why. Then also realizing that it's mostly down to luck if you get unbanned at all (by your own wording when you're about to write an appeal) is horrible. Because it means all that time and money that you've spent on the game has been for naught. And If you keep this up not only are you risking more of your players trust, you might even risk hurting the industry at large, at least the GaaS part. I'm grateful I got unbanned but if you insist on perma-banning players please make VERY VERY sure they actually deserve it and please for the love of all that is holy PROVIDE a reason, not even getting a hint as what might have gone wrong or what you as a player might have done wrong was painful. Also don't let it take a month to realize your mistake.[/quote] Forgot to add “And thats why im posting from my account that wasn’t banned” Man fr had a second inactive account preped for when he got banned a simple check on his stats shows it oddly hasn’t played till a few seasons ago and has 1 character leveled. Bud i hope this alt you resorted to gets banned as well, Bungie doesn’t give free silver lmao Edit: looking into the account things get weirder when for many seasons in his stat tab it says 0 yet he had almost rank 100 in almost every season. Another thing to add is Bungie uses battle eye, no “red flags” are triggered and you get banned. When battle eye detects a illegal program it hits you with a ban. What is a manual review gonna do? All its gonna do is show what battle eye flagged you for, how are you gonna prove you didn’t cheat? There is no definitive way to do it and yet you skim that part, there is so many red flags with this account and post



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      • You should know by now guilty players also write sob stories. Guilty or not these posts only serve to put a target on your back.



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      • I would rather deal with a small number of players getting accidentally banned than have to deal with cheaters. Ideally, there wouldn't ever be any mistakes, but that's not realistic. I'm curious to know how well they're doing, but Bungie doesn't usually give statistics about cheating



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        • So to start, I'm retired, so that's a vague clue to my age. A friend was visiting from Switzerland when covid hit, I'm in the UK, he was put in a hotel for around 15 days under lockdown rules, knew I played destiny a lot (he's not a gamer) so asked for pointers & bought an Xbox, all the dlcs etc, spent a small fortune, played pretty much nonstop for 2 weeks, only pve, just basic patrols, strikes etc no endgame. Messaged the day later, he'd logged in to a ban message, no explanation, just perma banned. He messaged via the appeal thing, no reply. 2 weeks later messaged again, still no reply. Safe to say he was disgusted, & the world lost a gamer, sold the Xbox & never tried again. Guys in his 70s, on console, & wouldn't know how to cheat if his life depended on it.



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          • 由The-IIID-Emp1r3編輯: 10/12/2023 7:00:42 PM
            What they need to do is send out warnings, 2 if low severity, one if high severity and instab& if said player seriously broke the ToS with undeniable proof How they just permab& anyone and everyone regardless of whatever reason is bad bad business.. Like, even old MMOs and whatnot used to issue warnings, things like battleye and stuff do it too (they refuse to run a game if something is detected, it will even say what file)



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          • 由Karmgahl編輯: 10/12/2023 4:38:08 AM
            I know this won't really make a difference for those of you that for some reason seems utterly convinced that bungie can do no wrong. Even though you'll probably say I've faked it or something. But i'll do it regardless. Here is a screenshot from my gmail folder (zoomed out a bit soo that you can see the whole folder) This is a more zoomed in one: I dunno why imgur says that the last image "may contain erotic or adult imagery" but it does not... but hey maybe imgur are never wrong either? I wrote this post for 2 reasons. 1. To get some hope out to others in the same situation that yes bungie DOES unban people sometimes so hope is not all lost. 2. Make sure that bungie and other player knows that THIS is not okay. It's a heck of a lot more than just a "frustrating experience" let me tell you. In summary after this ordeal I've lost this: - The friend that also got banned and then unbanned like me now utterly refuses to play destiny 2 anymore even though he also got unbanned. - Trust for game companies and the Game as a service model as a whole. Sure It might "heal" overtime but probably not completely. Which makes you a bit uneasy when playing these kinds of games now. - We both created new steam accounts because for some reason the ban in Destiny 2 shows up as a "VAC Ban" on steam that is shown on your steam profile wheter it's private or not. Which means you're marked as a cheater on steam as well. Good luck having any type of discussion on the steam forums with that marker on your profile. "You're a cheater.. not worth talking to, etc". So, Bungie. You have to realize that this kind of mistake has, as you can see, longstanding reprecussions for those affected by this.



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          • Thats what we get from a company we pay 100+ bucks annualy to. Capitalism at its best. They do the BARE minimum to prevent cheating, to keep up and maintain a semi decent infrastructure, to provide NEW content. Bungie is literally min maxing profit with our hard earned money right in front of our eyes and noone wants to see it nor acknowledge it apparently. They do in fact have the option to invest into good servers, into a great anti cheating software + upkeep by professionals, the do have the money, resources and manpower to provide good and fresh content. They simply decided against all that because of greed. Doing the bare minimum means more money for higher ups and investors. Simple as that. Horrible what the gaming industry has become. And even more horrible that the consumers just eat it up.



            以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

          • Tell me you cheated and made an alt just to whine without telling me. Instantly knew it was fake when you said bungie would compensate you silver LOL



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            • I almost hope I get banned accidentally so I never feel the urge to load up again. Unfortunately, this is probably an exceedingly rare event on console. I'm just looking for that final nudge to get me all the way out. Sorry you had to go through this. Hope you can unreservedly enjoy it again.



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            • OP: thanks for sharing your mystifying virtual , digital experience with ramifications IRL. Not nice. Not nice at all. 🤒 With all the moving digital parts of this game, and the ageing steam engine wired by countless pages of code written on virtual papyrus, things will go wrong…and they do, sometimes catastrophically! As in your case, it seems. BHQ did right to resolve the issue eventually, though a sweetener of 5,000 ‘silver’ seems a mite paltry, imho. A sum of 50,000 ‘silver’ seems more like it…given that ‘in game’ virtual ‘currency silver’ has no value to the holder outside of the game. So, for BHQ, it’s not even a thing! 🤥 FWIW: there should be a ‘Right of Redress’ mechanism for any player to utilise if desired. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’ is a basic human right, even in a virtual universe. 👈 Again, thanks for sharing; glad it worked out in the end - kinda!? 🤔 Ease springs! 🫡



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            • If that happened to me, I would gladly flush my time and never come back. Just to send a message. That's absolutely unacceptable.



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              • That is surprising they gave Silver instead of Bright Dust, and a good amount as well. Glad you beat the allegations!



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              • 由BraddyBo編輯: 10/12/2023 12:13:16 AM
                Game devs don’t want to give specifics because they don’t want the transparency to work against their anticheat, as in all the info being shared between cheaters in private discords about which programs do or don’t get flagged and testing to see which workarounds can be done to prevent future detection. Cheaters are all grouped together endlessly testing new workarounds so devs rightfully refuse to give any transparency about what triggers bans. Some anticheats are very invasive and can detect cheat programs for other games which result in a ban even if you didn’t actually cheat in their game. In my opinion, a cheater is a cheater no matter the game or circumstance. Just play the game normally.



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                • Lock time



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                  • I'd happily get banned for a month for $50, but I guess that's just me.



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                  • Yeah ..sound fake AF



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                  • 由ErieRider編輯: 10/11/2023 8:33:14 PM
                    Yeah it's fun. And considering they don't even give you any -blam!- reason they did that is stupid. "Why was i banned i didn't do anything i wanna know why" "Stfu lmao appeal it, i dare you"



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