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由Blue_Catanist編輯: 10/19/2023 10:25:31 AM

Are hunters weaker than titans and warlocks now?







Hunters now has no OP things except invis. Warlock have well, powerful grenades, buffs and movement. Titans are superpowerful in pvp, cause their melees and aspects(and they also deal massive damage like hunters in pve). In PvP hunters feels immobile without stompes. Warlocks have icarus dash every five seconds. Titans also have arc dodge and shoulder with cool jumps. Hunters have their dodge every... 20-40 seconds. And they need to focus on useless mobility stats, sacrificing resilience or recovery. Also hunters melee are superweak. Only solar hunter has good melees. I feel really bad now for hunters. Nobody wants them in raid. Bungie nerfed their only OP things (ahamkara, invis in pvp). What do you think?



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  • Warlock is by far the weakest of the 3 Hunter and titan are probably on par with how broken some of their build are ...maybe titan slightly better on more but arc hunter is beyond broken for PvE



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    • Use shinobus vow in a gm. GMs with arc burn and overloads will go even better



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    • Depends what area of the game we're talking about Like, in Trials? Hunter is definitely the worst of the 3 In Raids? I'd say Titan GMs? No clear loser Warlock probably is the most consistently powerful across all areas of the game tho



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      • I say 50/50 I main hunter, and I do b!tch about titans and warlocks, but even I seen great hunters that did more work than a warlock or titan. It all depends on who well you play on your hunter and what exotic you pair them with.



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        • I would say that hunters' aspect aren't that useful in neutral game Also hunters' exotic are good (for some) but not that huge except some (like star eater scales) Furthermore hunter doesn't have braindead builds for PvE (PvP have those threadling build) By that i mean things like sunbreacers, Bonk or BoW syntho... At some point we had YAS or the OG Stasis but now... In addition to that, i think hunter are really tied to using guns which, in our current high end pve content sandbox, Seem like wet noodle thrown at a bald fallen captain. Moreover abilities are still ruling the sandbox So if hunter had some significant neutral game abilities/aspect/exotics or if our guns were useful in the first place I and maybe others won't think that this class is underpowered.



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        • Titans are the weakest dps wise in ove. They don’t have any reload exotic besides actium and it only gradually reloads on autos and machine guns



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          • I don’t like how you grouped titans and warlocks



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            • 由Rams編輯: 10/19/2023 3:44:23 PM
              First of all “warlocks have icarus dash every 5 seconds”, sure but that’s only on one subclass. All other warlocks are slow af without the use of things like blink helmet, sword/wellskating, and scroll wheel skating. Secondly, “hunters have no broken builds in pve”. You have one of the best builds that can even rival solar titan, arc hunter with combination blow, you can use like 4 different exotics to make that build work. Edit: I completely forgot about how oppressive having multiple strand hunters on a single team can be in PvP. That can be said with most subclasses, but i thibk strand is one of the strongest ones.



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              • inside pvp? nah all 3 classes have something broken, inside pve? well warlocks and titans are a lot strtonger



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              • By the numbers Hunters are still #1.



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              • Strand and Stasis both are very strong with the right pairing exotic. Strand hunter has tons of get-out-of-jail cards it’s kinda crazy, and Revenant has been slept on for a while now. Arc is niche, but can be solid. Dodge to boost melee, amplified making dodge very spammable. Void fully depends on how good your opponents are. Invis is still tough to spot for most people and the radar pings can be worked around - main issue is radar nerf (in my opinion) Solar has Athrys and healing grenades. The build has always been extremely strong if you can pull it off. I also wouldn’t say mobility is bad in a PvP context. In PvE it’s useless, but being able to boost strafe speed can be very strong in a game with non-instant TTKs. It could use a buff, but it’s not bad.



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              • 由Avvor編輯: 10/19/2023 2:55:27 PM
                You realise that hunters have strand right which is still op on them And the only thing left on titans is either abilities that have already been nerfed and wait just that abilities that have already been nerfed into balance And the titan thruster is also just not even close to being as good as a hunter dodge



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              • Don't forget about how awesome the strand super is in PvP. Unless it secretly got better in the last patch. Oh blade barrage is also just so satisfying the way the blades fly exactly where they're not supposed to a lot of the time. 6 shot golden gun has super cool damage falloff. Arc actually isn't that bad which could be one of the reasons why solar has gotten the treatment that almost feels like a setting at this point. The melees are all pretty weak although I do get killed by the strand one about as much as by the super. And the solar ones are decent like you said. I also made the mistake of using stompees because of the mask thing and even with that weird version it starts to feel necessary compared to what the other two classes can do.



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                • All 3 are good... Hunters have a distinct pvp disadvantage only because of mobility being tied to their class ability regeneration, making them the only character that willingly sacrifices resilience or recovery if they want max mobility. We all know Hunters choose to give up resilience which leaves them susceptible to all of the cheese in the game, which punishes players for running less than 6 resilience..



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                • 1

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                • Neutral game? Yes. Supers? Nope.



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