It's horrible
Just let us go back to the regular quest tab
My featured quests have never changed for weeks until the new season dropped and the smaller bounty space still sucks
Stupid changes that make no sense are usually implemented for the sole reason of creating an issue for them to fix in the next "we hear you" or "QOL update"
5 回覆
I didn't like it from the start and hasn't grown on me. PLEASE REMOVE FEATURED QUESTS TAB. To think, they actually waste time on useless things when so many other improvements could be made. Just like the helm. Massive waste of space and time. Just ad those vendors to the tower. PLEASE REMOVE HELM.
I thought cool can have some fun on the new dungeon . And bungo does it again with wonky mechanics cage riding ,short dps phase and respawning none stop ads. No way I will buy the final shape they have had plenty of time to adjust there game and they failed . its free to play or dont play . They killed ghost of the deep also with this crap.
It's just another UI inefficiency. More clicks to achieve the same results. Majority of players go to Bounties first, quests second, the arrangement we see just shows developers don't play the game or not the same way like their player base. We all know the additional cursor movements and clicks it takes us to reach destinations, start an activity, change loadouts, look up data, descriptions, perks etc etc etc.. In terms of LEAN thinking this (the UI) is the Muda of playing Destiny.
I honestly liked it when we didn’t have a quest tab at all. There was something so exciting about seeing a quest node on a planet and/or looking for where to start a quest. I definitely see how that can be disliked by some players, but I’m personally a fan of games that don’t hold your hand every step of a quest and tell you where to go next. It just makes completing a quest feel so much more rewarding. But in any regard, the featured quest tab is complete dog crap. Bungie has never had good UI design.
Agree because I interact with bounties 1000x more than I do with quests. I get that the change was mainly for newer players because there's so much to do. I also understand that I can just press down. But it should be able to be toggled so the thing I actually use takes up more real estate than the things I do not. Veteran mode or something.