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由TossesARose編輯: 11/29/2023 7:42:27 PM

Checkmate Shouldn’t Ever Be Quickplay

To start - I like checkmate as its own playlist (my friends don’t). I think CM could work for comp/trials. Quickplay? Nope. You’ve essentially taken all the fun things about Destiny PvP and erased them. Ability builds are useless now, which means builds are shifting to neutral game perks/exotics. Were abilities a little strong before? Sure, but it’s Quickplay. It’s fun. It’s a space magic shooter game, but you’ve taken away the magic part. Now it’s just a space team-shot simulator (yawn) overrun by Thorn noises. Sadly, my friends and I (all PvP mains) are gonna sit D2 out for a while, specifically due to this new Checkmate Quickplay. Our biggest dilemma is finding another game to play. D2 was THE GAME for us - years and years of D2. Hundreds of dollars, thousands of hours. Not sure where to go now, but we’re awaiting the return of fun PvP. PS - Video games should be fun. Please bring back some other fun game modes, like CTF, King of the Hill, etc. Scorched and Mayhem are k/d destroying dumpster fires. PSS - Please start including useful stats at the end of crucible games. Kills, assists, precision, supers, melee kills, grenade kills, kd, kad, etc. Show us who won big medals and how many. You have the data, just show it on the screen. An easy suggestion, but people would appreciate it.



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  • I don't understand why some people are acting like the ttk of weapons couldn't be what it normally is in the sandbox...just with slower ability and special upkeep. The game doesn't HAVE to have awful slow ttk values just to make the other 2 changes relevant. It's so ridiculous to read. "Now ability spammers have to actually aim," ok well the old ttk would've worked no people wanted. I never saw anybody ask for the game to KILL SLOWER, while everything else got slowed as well. Not to mention movement is now too fast to keep we can add that to the chopping block too, right?



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