My thoughts on the Glaive rework as a Glaive main with 80K PVP kills Lvl 4000 Enigma
Community Feedback - Glaive Rework
Firstly I want to start and say that I and the Glaive community have the utmost respect for the weapons team and that we're no developers nor are we qualified to suggest anything related to the subject of weapon tuning. Many of us have been using Glaives in both PVE/PVP since they first arrived in Witch Queen (we love Glaives), and we feel all that experience means at least something and we want nothing but the best for Glaives and the health of the PVP sandbox as a whole.
The Glaive community has LOVED the Glaive rework and appreciates the dozens of hours of hard work put into this update, but a big chunk of us are having an issue with Glaives and the intended range they are played at and how the primary/melee damage resist change has affected the viability of Glaives and the identity of Glaives in PVP.
The Weapons team has stated before that "Glaives shouldn't be a close range meta" and that the team was aiming for a "mid-range special option for Glaives" and the Glaive community agrees. The Glaive community feels that the nerf to Damage resist against primaries and melee was too much with its current 30%, BUT we also feel that 50% is TOO much Damage resist for the uptime Glaives currently sit at which is why we are requesting for Glaive Primary/melee damage resist to be buffed up to 40%. We feel the survivability against primaries in Glaive range is very low for adaptive and aggressive frame Glaives due to both frames RPMs, especially against weapons like SMGs and autos.
As of now, we feel like the only Glaive that is worth using in PVP is Greasy Luck due to its higher rpm and its potential to compete with primaries like SMGS and autos in its Glaive range. We are also seeing Glaives being in this weird spot where they aren't a close-range option due to Agro Shotty frames + melee killing us and not being a mid-range option due to SMG/autos turning us into Swiss cheese in our range which leaves Glaive in a identity crisis of sorts. Again we are no developers nor are we qualified to suggest weapon tunings but we just wanted our voice heard.
Thank you for taking the time to read the Glaives community feedback
TLDR: The Glaive community feels like the DR nerf to primary and melees put the identity of Glaives in a weird/frustrating spot and we feel a buff to 40% would make them feel better to use without making them a close range meta.