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12/8/2023 12:42:24 AM

LFG has broken me. Need a community that cares.

TLDR at the bottom. Howdy folks, I'm Chosen. I've been playing destiny since I was about 12 during the original beta. I've always really loved this game and especially enjoyed it's endgame content. For a while when I was younger I was in a clan made up of me and a bunch of my friends, but as we grew older I became the only one of us to carry on in hopes of someday seeing a definitive end to the series that once brought us so much joy and had served to strengthen our bonds. This is why I took the name Chosen, or more fittingly The Last of Selene's Chosen, as I am the last remaining member of my clan "Selene's Chosen Few", an era gone passed. (Selene is the Greek name for the Goddess of the Moon if any of you were wondering why we chose that) I'm now 22, and through all the bullshit, I have stuck with this game. I would be what you consider a Solo-Player. For years after my friends quit I put up with using LFG, but I also slowly came to know that the comradery I'd experienced with my friends was not standard. Now to the real point of my post. I myself am a black man, and despite my efforts to just ignore, or avoid racism in lfgs I simply cannot do it any longer. These days I find myself hesitant to even find a raid team and for the most part avoid the section of the game entirely when at one point it was the only reason I'd even get on. It was the driving force for me to keep grinding power levels or light levels or a rehash of a gun I used to love. To me destiny's endgame is the magic. It's why I recommended the game to my friends it's why I still play to this day and yet, part of me is hesitant to even join an LFG because I'm just so -blam!- fed up with people asking me dumb -blam!- questions, making racist jokes, or just openly saying the n word as if it's funny. So in short I'm looking for a clan, wether that be a clan made up of PoC or a clan that doesn't tolerate hate speech I don't really care. I just want to play the game, but I don't want to have to face down racists to do so. TLDR: I'm a black man fed up with the racism and toxicity of LFG groups and am looking for a clan of like minded people who don't tolerate hate speech. If your clan fits that bill than I'd be incredibly happy join, and even happier to start raiding again. Thanks for your time.



以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

  • Hello o/ I read through your post. I myself started right before the taken King when I was very young, have played ever since. And while I haven't been subject to the same bullshit that lfg can muster i do understand that there are alot of jerks out there and have mostly avoided it for that reason. I was wanting to offer my clan up to you as while as a discord invite if you're interested. Lmk if you have any questions. **VETUS VENATORES** We at Vetus Venatores are open to anyone looking to engage in a close knit destiny 2 group for lightfall that treats each other with respect and views you as a person not a number. **When we play/What we play** We are north american based and cover all timezones mainly getting on a little before or after 6:00PM CST. We mainly engage in PVE Activities mid and endgame and dabble in the crucible if we feel like it. **Our personality and who we are for** Engaging in Light humor, In depth conversations, friendly banter and a little silence when we need to focus up we are for both the Introvert and the extrovert. For the type of player we are close to it can be the new light starting their journey looking for guidance or the hardened guardian that’s been with the game since D1 we like to accept all types of players. If you are interested in the clan or have any questions that transcend a linear message like this my our server link is below and I or an admin can discuss any questions you may have We look forward to having you with us for The final shape and beyond.



    以禮待人。發佈文章前請花點時間查看我們的行為準則 取消 編輯 創立火力戰隊 文章

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